50 Questions About Christmas
1. Does your family send out Christmas cards? my mom does. Chris and I have been VERY inconsistent with the sending of yuletide greetings. we're "on" this year, though. if we have your addresses, that is...
2. How soon do you start shopping? all year long is my preference...but this year we started in october.
3. Who do you shop for? family and close friends. and white elephant gift recipients.
4. Do you put up a Christmas tree? it would be sacrilege in our home if we didn't.
5. If so, is it fake or real? it is fake. we found out too late that our apartment complex allows real trees. BUT, we also put our tree up before thanksgiving usually, so fake is more practical.
6. Do you like tinsel? I'm indifferent. it was fun as a kid, but now it just gets everywhere. the cat loves it, though. so we didn't put any out this year, and so far I don't miss it.
7. Do you use homemade or store bought ornaments? store bought. our new tree is frickin' huge and we just bought a mass of red and green ones. there might be one "homemade" one, but it was more of an accident than anything.
8. Do you put Christmas lights outside your house? this is chris' favorite time of year, and so there are definitely lights out on the balcony.
9. Do you put lights on the tree? wouldn't be a christmas tree without lights! this tree is pre-lit, which I love.
10. How about popcorn and cranberries? I like popcorn with chocolate and carmel, but not on the tree. three words: TOO MUCH WORK. you're lucky I'm sending christmas cards.
11. Is there a wreath hanging on your door? ha! yes...but not the creepy one with the snowman on it that my sister despises... that one's hanging on a wall in our apartment...
12. Do you celebrate Christmas Eve? I'm with jami on that...silly question. I think we're celebrating somewhere ON christmas eve... I can never remember. when I was a kid we always went to my grandma's on christmas eve, so there was never any waiting for christmas morning for anything.
13. Do you hang up your stocking? yes. and one for the cat. it's empty.
14. Does your family read "Twas the night before Christmas?" no. I don't think we ever have.
15. Christmas Movie: I'm assuming this is supposed to be a favorite.... tough, but it would have to be "the grinch" with jim carey. it's way too quotable and I laugh so hard every time I see it. (elf is a close second, though)
16. Character from any Christmas Movie: another favorite? the grinch. of course.
17. Christmas Song: ave maria by harry connick, Jr.
18. Christmas Memory: last christmas at the kung fu christmas party.... the best white elephant gift EVER: a bedpan.
19. Give or Receive? oh, to give. I'm always way more excited to watch people open up their presents :)
20. Eggnog or Cider? good lord... cider. COLD, not hot. blech.
21. Red or Green? as if there's any question.
22. Ham or Turkey? Turkey.
23. Star or Angel? definitely a star. I've never been big on angels.
24. White Lights or Colored Lights? hmmm.... colored lights are more nostalgic, but this year we have white lights on the pre-lit tree, white lights on the porch, and colored lights around the slider, and red lights around one of the lamps.
25. Blinking Lights or Still Lights: blinking can be annoying, that's for sure, so still. we do have the kind that sloooooowwwwly twinkle/fade in and out, out on the porch.
26. Were you Naughty or Nice this year? I was mostly sarcastic. right in the middle.
27. What do you want for Christmas this year? a DS and the new zelda game :)
28. When do you open your gifts? when we can't wait any longer! (I know... it's sad) when I was a kid we always opened gifts early because we went to my grandma's christmas eve, so i have no reason to feel bad about not waiting for christmas morning.
29. What's the best gift you've ever gotten? it's a tossup between a video ipod and a diamond necklace.
30. What's the worst gift you've ever gotten? honestly I can't think of anything
31. Who gives you the most gifts? christopher
32. Have you ever had a secret Santa? sounds like a question for santa, not me.
33. Do you like wrapping gifts? yes... but a little TOO much... I lightened up on the tape this year.
34. Do you put change in those red buckets? no.
35. Do you burn a yule log? there is a nasty joke just waiting to happen with this question....
36. Can you name all the reindeer? yes! and don't forget Chet!!
37. Do you bake cookies? I did this year. a whopping 11 of them.
38. Have you ever seen your mommy kissing Santa Clause? thank goodness, no.
39. Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe? probably, but I don't recall
40. Do you go caroling? man, I haven't done that in years. but we're hoping to get a crowd together to go caroling down the kent trail sometime...
41. Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights? not really.
42. Have you ever left Santa cookies? hmm. maybe.
43. Have you ever sat on Santa's lap? yes. when I was 26.
44. Who do you celebrate Christmas with? chris, my family, chris' family, and chris' mom's family.
45. Where do you celebrate Christmas? Cadrapazoo.
(cadillac, grand rapids, kalamazoo) hehee
46. Have you ever had a white Christmas? this is michigan. what a goofy question.
47. What part of Christmas do you look most foward to? breaking out all the christmas movies, because there's really not any other acceptable time to watch them the rest of the year
48. Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa? yes. when I was 26. do I have to keep saying it?!! oh...and this year, too...one of my co-worker's dad is a professional santa (he even goes to santa school -- not kidding) and bestowed christmas cheer at our company party this year.
49. Does your family always take a picture at Christmas? no.
50. Have you ever heard the song "Thank God For Kids" by The Oakridge Boys? yeah, I think so. is that even a christmas song? so wierd.
Oh, my goodness I am laughing so hard; I think I gotta go potty!
"Do you burn a yule log? there is a nasty joke just waiting to happen with this question...."
And then I happened to glance down at your previous post (which I must read now) AND saw the word fart... :D
Who is Chet? Cute name, Chester.
hehehe chet is the reindeer in training in the movie santa clause 2!
Is that a good movie? I was going to rent it one of these days.
Off to burn my yule log. ;)
woah... I can't believe there really are 50 of these. I had to scroll down to the bottom to make sure... now I'm back up to the top to read them. Woah.
#27b will be making an appearance at our house this christmas... you are welcome to do some crazy wireless connecting magic and have a little cyber party
#37 - you have to admit though... they were a fantastic 11 cookies!
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