Sunday, December 16, 2007

snow and lights

it's that time of year... where the calendar is suddenly full of events and engagements... parties and family... food and food and food and more food.  
this was christmas party day at Sue's Loving Care, where chris works.  after traveling to illinois the day before, we stayed at chris' parents' house.  chris had to work the next day, and then there was the party.  i even did something very out of character....  i went to meijer to buy  ingredients (holy lots of people in that store, batman) and made those christmas joy cookies that nate's wife brought to the cookie swap....  BIG HIT!

after working and partying (read: eating, eating, playing sudoku, eating some more) we took a quick trip over to battle creek to check out their "International Festival of Lights."

not pictured:  "the 12 days of christmas" IN LIGHTS.  (i'm not kidding!)
it was cold, not crowded, and full of lights (and burnt out lights).  while at first glance i would say it was a little disappointing (for being an international festival), it was fun to walk around, see the pretty lights, walk through downtown battle creek 
(which is more quaint than i remember it) 
and then leave.

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