Thursday, January 31, 2008

braving the frozen tundra

**for some reason blogger won't let me add lines for spacing,
so I apologize for everything being all jumbled together.
you gotta love that when the biggest snowstorm hits the lakeshore,
yesterday i started my day in our grand rapids office, at cascade and 96.
then I drove to hart.
it normally takes an hour and 15 minutes to get there.
it took at least twice as long to make that trek yesterday.
I-96 and US31 were terrible.
(see the picture above)
I wasn't able to go much faster than 45.
45 miles an hour
then, after the dep in Hart, I had to go to Ludington.
which normally takes about 30 minutes to get there from Hart,
but you guessed it, it took about twice as long yesterday.
my keister spent over six hours on the road yesterday
for what totalled 33 minutes of testimony.
chris' car
(no way was I taking the menace to the lakeshore with those winds)
traveled over 230 miles.
I got home about 6pm (after a short stop at subway in hart for some
desperately needed grub) utterly exhausted.
I went to bed around 8pm.
and that never happens.
and I didn't get up today until around 10.
thankfully my work kept me home today
and I'm happily getting ready to do some typing.
but I think I'm also coming down with something, and have been
hacking up some lovely globs of mucousy-type substances.
doesn't that sound great?!
my commitment for tonight I'm cutting short, so those of you who will be at rehearsal, I'll be there for awhile but I'm not going to sing. I don't want to get anyone else
hacking up equally lovely globs of mucousy-type substances.
for now I'm at my favorite coffee vendor, in a quiet corner, typing happily away, feeling a little bit foggy and a little bit achy ('course that might be because I started lifting weights a couple days ago...), and looking forward to a quiet night at home after a little rehearsal.
and I can't wait to hear those three little words tonight...
and jami, chris started playing wind waker and he LOVES it!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I know, you are secretly skipping the later part of rehearsal so you won't miss LOST. ;)

Thank God for TIVO. Otherwise, I'd be sick too.

(Seriously, I hope you feel better...a lot of crud is going around!)

Did you watch "Through the Looking Glass" last night? The commentary was good, and it gave away some of the Easter Eggs.

See you tonight for the little while!

And, Windwaker is A.MAZ.ING!

madjeepgirl said...

oooh, I didn't watch it last night... anything super secret I missed??? I don't remember if chris tivo'd it or not...

it's so funny because when chris gets stuck (and he is just BLAZING) through it, it's so cute because he asks me how to get through it. so funny! he and I play games so differently... I want to find every little thing, and he just wants to win... and he keeps telling me I'll like twilight princess, so I'll probably start that in a month or so...

Miss Laura said...

Next time I whine about my job (which I assure you will be in no less than twenty minutes), remind me that yesterday I got to cancel all my appointments and stay home because my company has a policy that if GR Public Schools is closed, I have the option to call in and use sick time. Which I did, thank you very much!

madjeepgirl said...

that's awesome laura!!! and of course i'm scheduled to be in allendale tomorrow....

Miss Laura said...

Of course you are.

Ike said...

Previously, On Lost:

We almost answered 1 or 2 of the many pressing questions posed over the first 3 seasons, all while posing 15 new questions, none of which will be answered in the near future.

But what do we care, you'll keep watching. Oh, you'll say you're done but we know as well as you do that you'll be back for more next week.

Muaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....cough....hack.....ha ha ha ha ha.

diane said...

I was also home hacking up mucousy-type substances in my home on the Lakeshore (which you just cursed). I have the opposite problem: I wake up to blizzard conditions in Ottawa Co. and when I arrive in Grand Rapids I see that the sun is out, birds are singing and tulips are blooming. Bah.

Previously, on LOST. Oh I was in Heaven last night.

madjeepgirl said...

but i didn't curse your home specifically... in fact, i specifically curse areas northward of your home and city ;)

chris likes to do his best impression of the voice saying PREVIOUSLY ON LOST. it's so funny.

and i wish i knew what the heck was going on. dangit.