Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i think I'm going to start taking more vacations. this week my workload is getting back to normal. we have about six reporters in the Holland-Grand Rapids-Lansing area, and one part-timer (who is presently in Papua New Guinea with Bibles International). so there's more work to spread around to those of us that are NOT in papua new guinea.

but the last couple weeks I merely spent getting caught up on typing work that I had let pile up, because I'm a procrastinator and always, always find something better to do with my time. and what I've realized is that while last week I had absolutely no work to do after Monday, I was able to sort of clear my system. I feel a bit revitalized and I don't have that work-drag feeling going on. that's why I'm going to start taking more vacations (or at least one week out of the year, where I have absolutely NO typing to do whatsoever!)

so this afternoon, I've been working on typing the transcript of the dep I took THIS MORNING. that's right, I jumped right on it. a little out of character, but it feels good. I like to stay ahead of things when I can, so it feels good. I'm only allowing myself to type for another hour, and then I'm going home to work on a fun project....

the Tour DiCocco that is going down this Saturday :)

I keep getting e-mails, and more and more teams are planning to show up. I think we're up to 10 teams now!!! It's exciting, and I have a lot of work to do between now and then. It's all busy work, the tedium of putting papers together and such, but I love it. we held a run-through this last saturday to test it out, and it was a great success!!

i know a lot of you are going to be there...

do you know what you've gotten yourself into?!?!

well, you soon will...


so, back to my typing.
but I wanted to say hello! and let you know I'm still alive, just busy.
I'll come up with clever things to say another day.
but I'm glad you still stop by to visit :)


KatieKate said...


I'm thinking of a costume for Saturday...

madjeepgirl said...


well, it's a michigan theme...

diane said...

Katie...that's not fair. You used to be on MY team and you KNOW we're dressing up.


I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. For serious.

KatieKate said...

Um...everyone was encouraged to dress up... settle down, Senorita. Don't you hmpf at me.

I think I'll be an oven mitt.

diane said...

Oh. Oops. Maybe I'm still hurt because we broke up?

and Marie...I strongly encourage you to take as many vacations as you need. at Beaners. I mean Bigby. I mean...whatever. Just do it.

Anonymous said...

I can not wait for the Tour DiCocco...and to see how Marie works her magic on this scavenger hunt!

I was thinking we should do the whole good-bye thing like they do in the He-man Masters of the Universe movie.
Teela says "Don't say goodbye. Say Good Journey."

OH! Marie! I saw the kewlest t-shirt eva a few days ago....it was a big picture of LINK!

the dicocco gang said...

Three more days! Three more days!
For real, Miss Rie, I have to say thank you for giving me this weekend to look foward to in the midst of chaos and sadness. Every time I get overwhelmed by the goodbyes or by the packing or by the list that just keeps growing longer, or by the thought of leaving... I can easily get sidetracked and literally GIDDY over how much fun Saturday is going to be! Thank you for that. And for ALL The work I KNOW you are putting in to this. It matters so much to me.
Jami- love it. I'm so going He-Man and dropping the entire "goodbye" thing from my vocab. Any other suggestions are appreciated. :)