no boo-hoo
spending as much time as I do at the local caffeine-infested watering hole, I see (and hear) a lot of business people and church people. it's uncanny. I was just overhearing a dude on his cell phone. it jogged my memory, and now I am going to share...
things I don't miss from corporate america
1. overused sports analogies ("going to bat" for someone...that you need to "step up to the plate")
2. impersonal management styles (the insincere "how are you doing?" right before they rip you a new one)
3. that numbers are king (not customer service or employee morale)
4. 12-hour days on salary
5. wanting to physically harm myself because I'm so miserable
6. wearing khaki pants
7. acronyms for everything
8. being only as good as the people you're responsible for
9. the neverending cycle of goals
10. feeling a prisoner to offered promotions or you won't go anywhere
but there were some good moments, too. so here I will share:
things I enjoyed about corporate america
1. being the only expert in the district (all of Michigan except Detroit) and recognized as such (at 24)
2. traveling all over the state on my own (17,000 miles worth)
3. meeting my husband (and defying company policy)
4. training employees well
5. making up fake definitions for acronyms (ugly people of satan...)
6. wearing suits and feeling good in them
7. the feeling that you're a significant part of something bigger than yourself
8. knowledge (of people, systems, competitors)
9. maintaining and reporting data (I'm a nerd. I love numbers and spreadsheets.)
10. friendships (I had buddies. Sometimes I miss them.)
Everything on the first list also applies to the non-profit sector, esp. numbers vs morale. When do I get to stay home and be barefoot in the kitchen? ;)
That's so cool that you stayed in don't-blink-or-you-might-miss-it Bessemer! I loved that town. Beautiful. Quiet, lovely, lots of snow beautiful.
I never had a "real" job...and I don't think I'm missing much. ;)
unfortunately (or fortunately?) when I was in bessemer it was june or july, so no snow... and it's dirt roads out to where ups is up there, so it wasn't particularly pretty...just a little muddy ;)
"real" jobs aren't always what they're quacked up to be. :)
You do look so good in a dress suit! Even when you wear red shirt and pink socks with maroon pinstriped pants...
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