Sunday, January 20, 2008

the treasure is in the hunt

guess where I was the other day...
YOU GUYS... the Tour DiCocco... unbelievable.
some of you competed, some of you were my secret helpers... and some of you I owe BIG TIME for sitting in the cold for 3 hours!!! I still can hardly believe what a success it was.
I feel really great about it overall. at this moment I am SUPREMELY pooped; utterly wiped out. I have accomplished only 1 thing today, and I will tell you about that in a moment.
the treasure book for the dicocco's is not yet finished, but they are now aware of it. I will keep you posted as to when it's done and when it gets sent. the joy I get from doing these books almost surpasses the amount of fun it is putting hunts together...
okay. I'm just about ready to go to bed, but I have something very fun to share. for those of you who utilize bloglines or some other rss feed thingie, you're going to want to add this:
this is a new blog, dedicated solely to my treasure hunts. I have the final and official team standings listed from the Tour DiCocco along with some photos. it'll be a work in progress, but I hope you check it out! I'm going to send out a ginormous e-mail tomorrow to everyone that was invited to the hunt with team standings and a link to the blog as well, so hopefully it'll garner some feedback.
now I'm off to bed before I make myself sick.
it's been a long, tiring, emotional weekend. I'm so glad I know all of you.
sleep well.


KatieKate said...


absolutely fabulous.

Kudos to Dwight for being the ice man out there- that's ridiculous.

Ike said...

hey good news! we finally got jenny thawed out! she was able to resume normal human operation (at least for her) yesterday afternoon.

great job rie. you really outdid yourself this time!

the dicocco gang said...

Yes, yes, you did.
Thank you.
We can't even begin to say out loud how much this weekend meant to us... and how much FUN it was. A celebration in fact.
Thank you especially for being brave enough to live out exactly who you were created to be. Because you are fabulous, for so many other reasons that your complex mind. But I love it that your mind and apparently manic energy got to shine brightly and create joy in our sadness this weekend!

madjeepgirl said...

thank you for your words, guys... it really really encourages me :) that i'm settled down a bit from all the craziness (I didn't realize exactly how much it just WHUPPED me!)

y'all are the best!!!