Monday, February 04, 2008


i didn't grow up a sports fan. i totally married into this world. i love the emotion, the thrill of winning, of seeing a player do well, rivalries, cities that rally to their teams, tradition and silly curses that aren't real.

I tend to be a fan of a particular player, and then their team by extension. which is probably silly in the man's world of sports, but it's how I do things. so there.

when it comes to football, I heart brett favre and peyton manning. and tony dungee. (yes, I know he's not a player.) so when the packers lost to the giants this year in the post season, (tear), I knew I would be rooting for the giants.

I know what you're thinking. "but you hate new york!" ah, but I hate the YANKEES. there is a difference. ;) "but you love boston! that's in new england!" yes, but I have never liked the patriots. I told a friend friday night that tom brady is too good looking; too much of a pretty boy. silly, my reasons for not being a fan. and while this may seem a paradox, the fact that it is another manning boy playing for the giants, I knew where my loyalties would extension.

did you hear howie rattle off all the numbers of how many times brady was sacked, hurried, etc.? did you see how many times he got hit?! I don't get too excited for football, especially when I'm not entirely passionate about either team, but last night I yelled and jumped off the sofa, and cheered (and still got to see peyton...) and even cried a little. though I was tired and still hacking up globs of mucousy-grossness, I ate pizza and cookie dough and G2 (and did you see peyton in that commercial, too?!).

and my favorite commercial was the one with all the animals screaming!!!!! the s-bowl commercials have been a real let-down the last few years, but last night I laughed pretty hard at a couple.

well, I'm off to the doctor this afternoon. hopefully this stupid cold gets to go away soon and my other problems get resolved. I asked and my worked allowed me to take tomorrow off, too, so I get some extra time to recup. I hate asking for things like that, but it's so horrible sitting in a tiny room with five people and all of a sudden you have to hack up mucousy globs, and you KNOW everyone in the room is thinking "why is she here? she's sick! great. now I'm going to get sick."

so there are my random sickly thoughts for the day :)


Anonymous said...

That was a great game last night!

Let us know how your doctor appointment went, k?

KatieKate said...

That was my favorite commercial, too... especially the green bug!!!!!!!

doctor? hmmmmmmmm.

madjeepgirl said...

my body is retarded. the tardiness of my punctuation is simply due to my body's retarded reaction to an infection-type thing (and whilst I was uncertain, and so could not take medication, in addition I now have something going on in my ears).

SOOO...I am now prescribed lovely horse pills and such, and have accumulated a nice little stash of random cold medication that I can take guilt-free.

and I still have tomorrow off, so I'm going to stay home and eat soup. with lots of oyster crackers. and maybe some cookie dough. because cookie dough really helps.


maybe in another month...

madjeepgirl said...

it was a great game!!! chris left for CVS to get me some nyquil while there was less than 10 minutes left in the game... dear boy... thank goodness for tivo ;)

there's something really satisfying about seeing a quarterback get sacked... is it just me?

Miss Laura said...

I have to admit that I was at the Olive Garden last night, didn't see a lick of the game, and don't feel one bit bothered by it!

Did you see my favorite Dr. Steen? :)

madjeepgirl said...

Dr. steen is your favorite???

Miss Laura said...

Well...she's my favorite of all the Dr. Steens :) I do like her, though.

madjeepgirl said...

wait. is she your doctor, too?

Miss Laura said...

Yes, goofy, you were the one who recommended her to me! (Thank you, by the way!)

madjeepgirl said...

oh! hehehe I forgot ;)

Anonymous said...

I glad you've got yourself some good medicine now.

Feel better real soon. Get yourself healthy for the next time you're late for a good reason!
