postponements of particular proportions
okay friends. here's the deal. two upcoming events have been moved back.
first, the coldplay concert that was scheduled for July 5 at the Palace is now moved back to November something. UGH. this is totally a bummer, but apparently their show just won't be ready in time. the first two weeks of their tour have been sent to the back of the line. chris and I never really jumped on the coldplay bandwagon, but their two newest songs (Violet Hill, Viva La Vida) are kick-@$$ and I can't wait to hear the rest.
second, (and more nerve-wracking) ethan and I are going to be leading worship on June 29th. it was originally set for next week, but plans changed last night. I haven't told many people about this simply because I was feeling hysterically nervous about it. (all I had to do was think about it and I swear my entire insides turned to ice) but, I discovered when I started mentioning it, that I was much, much less nervous. so, trusted friends, now you know. (and after meeting yesterday and solidifying our plan, I'm actually feeling really, really great about it now.)
the moral of the story is: trust your friends to support you, make a good plan, and don't reserve hotels on hotwire to go see a rock show.
the last thing I'm going to say is this: alanis morissette is crazy talented. the overall theme of her new album, flavors of entanglement, is obviously rooted in the emotions and heartbreak of a relationship's end. and doesn't it always seem to be the tragedies of life that provide the most fertile creative soil? my favorite track is "Not As We." absolutely beautiful.
That is on my "To Do" list for life....see a Cold Play concert.
I did hop on the bandwagon...LOVE THEM. November is a perfect time for a concert. Now if I can talk Jeff into buying us some tickets. (Jeff, if you ever read this...this would be a GREAT birthday present...hint,hint.)
LEADING worship!?! It will be fantastic. As I've said audience of One! Troy did say once that he wanted to hire a female worship leader, right? Ehem, well here you are!
Moowahhhhhaahhaaa! My little plan is working. Can't wait until the 29th...
Can I go to Coldplay with you???
oh, I don't have much confidence in my musical ideas... hence the ethan-marie team... his ideas are light years better than mine. you'll see :) tho it IS a little known secret that the emphasis of my music degree is in ministry...
tasha, come to the coldplay concert with us!!! and if jami and jeff get tix, too, we can all caravan. and I promise we'll figure out the heating!!
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