Tuesday, December 11, 2007

lostness sucks when it's slushy

one of the most confusing places I sometimes travel to is downtown lansing. I'm not there often enough to really have a comfortable sense of where the heck I'm going, and the weather this morning was less than accommodating, so I left 30 minutes early. kent county was nasty...I didn't dare drive over 60 miles an hour, for fear of my life and the potential loss of vehicle-uprightness. closer to lansing the roads were merely wet, not slushy, and speeds closer to the limit were acceptable. I arrived at my destination with 15 minutes to spare...15 minutes to park and get to the correct building.

so after driving around the block and realizing all these buildings are kind of in a quadrangle (the picture below was taken from the middle of said quadrangle, or whatever the heck it is)
I finally just decide to park along one of the streets at a parking meter (where I lost 2 of my quarters because I didn't realize it's only good for 1 hour...shoot) and then march off to find my destination.

unfortunately, all I have is the address of the building, WHICH THEY DON'T PUT ON THE SIDES OF THE BUILDINGS THAT ARE FACING THE INTERIOR OF THE STUPID QUADRANGLE. (I like the word quadrangle because it sounds how it makes me feel...tangled and confused) So after a few minutes -- which feels like more, I can assure you, because of the slushiness of the ground and non-warmthness of the air -- I finally get to the right building. (I even asked for directions from a friendly passerby....shocking, I know)

Then, after two hours of depping (as my sister calls it), it was finally time to head home. Fortunately, though the sign by my parking meter said "Meters Enforced", I did not have a ticket...though I had WELL exceeded the one-hour limit. Score! (and while I could have paid to park safely in the parking lot on my immediate right, sometimes I like to live on the edge)

and now, my tired friends, I leave you to have a restful evening. sort of. I promise to post tomorrow with some random pictures that will make you smile, and maybe laugh.

I'll give you one clue: snowman!


Ike said...

will he be tall? or maybe not so tall? the anticipation is killing me!

Miss Laura said...

Oh, Downtown Lansing. I'm so conflicted about it. I mean, I had my proms there. I go to baseball games there. Good memories, all. On the other hand, if you're in the "business district," which is a ghost town after 5 p.m., you have sort of that 1984 feeling...like everyone is seated, orderly, erect, in perfect rows inside these spartan buildings, and you're the chick in the Apple commercial with the hammer...at least, that's how the picture of the quadrangle makes me feel...your picture captures that essence so perfectly.

Thus endeth the longest run-on sentence ever.

Oh, and by-the-by...next time you're there, you may observe that nearly every street downtown is named after a Michigan county. It's true.