Sunday, December 23, 2007

sheldon family christmas

so my mom and dad came down this weekend to celebrate christmas. they rented a guest suite for a couple nights, my sister stayed over, we opened presents, and battled upon the scrabble board.

if you remember from a previous post, my dad dominates this game. and he does it by spelling words like "job" and "zen." (kate knows my pain)


the impossible happened, and he was defeated last night. he had played all of his tiles, left the table to get comfy on the sofa, and proceeded to watch tv, leaving us to accumulate what few points we possibly could in the wake of his ridiculous score. but we had a couple more turns, and mom ultimately TRIUMPHED (by using a blank tile, no less!!)
it was a victory by FOUR POINTS.

dad's comment was, "good! someone else can carry that burden."

mom and dad came to mars hill this morning, braving the weather and the 11 o'clock crowd.  afterwards we went out for lunch, meeting up with lisa, and then they headed home.
when we left, it was bitterly cold, snowing, and my eyelids wanted to freeze shut.  this is me.  i will be dressing warmer than this for the trek to the 6:00 o'clock service.
thus concludes my updates from the past week.  you will be hearing from me again in the next few days, as i have a week of no assignments to travel to.  i'm looking forward to some much-needed R & R. 

love to you all
and merry christmas!!



Anonymous said...

Your sing'n was beautiful Sunday. :)
As always.

Ok, it's 12:30 am. I can't turn off the wii. It's a terribly good thing.

madjeepgirl said...


we registered your wii in ours... not sure what else to do, but it's still frickin' sweet :) chris is shooting nazis at the moment...

Anonymous said...

I am patiently awaiting a new post. BTW.