Thursday, January 10, 2008

pay shint says sever chew

i realize that it's been a long time since i've met you all here in this space. and i appreciate your patience...hence the title...

while i only had a couple assignments these last three weeks (including a day in court in white cloud), i didn't get to relax like i thought i would because i had a couple HUGE typing jobs to complete. today was my first dep in a long while, and i got to hit the road. i love a day of driving on a gorgeous day like today! especially when i know where i'm going and know my way around when i get there. and a new beaners is going in on stadium drive in kalamazoo!!

which reminds me...
you know you spend too much time at your favorite coffee chain when a worker from the Breton Road location sees you at the Byron Center Road location and knows who you are and says, "so you go to this one now, huh?"

i've been able to dedicate some solid amounts of time towards an upcoming treasure hunt i am calling The Tour DiCocco, a michigan-themed good-bye hunt for my friend tracy and her fam who are leaving soon for africa. a 2-time hunter asked me what he could expect. i said, "something completely different" >:) mwah-ha-ha!!

the other thing that has completely thrown me for a loop these days is this facebook thing. i've now chatted with some of you there, found a bunch of old friends and acquaintances, have seen pictures of their kids and listened to their compositions. i absolutely love it. while it's not necessary for me to live a full and happy life, it's like a kind of closure to know where people are in their lives...and it's exciting what different things they're doing, pursuing their dreams, raising their families, living and enjoying life. and in turn, i feel really good about where we are... and im happy that i don't look horrible in my pictures :P

i've been laughing a lot. this doesn't surprise you. i know. but being caught up on work, and having the freedom to be creatively expressive really does wonders for me. maybe this will help motivate me to stay on top of my work... i'm the least motivated person ever. i'm not disicplined, studious or hard-working -- unless i'm in the right mood, and that just doesn't really cut it in reality, i don't think. because i'm always in the right mood for one thing, when i should be doing something else. and i've especially noticed that i'm NEVER in the mood to clean...

but right now i'm in the mood to sleep.
so i'm going to bed.
i promise i will be back very soon.
don't say i didn't warn you...


Miss Laura said...

Hee hee...the girl who works at the Caledonia Target customer service counter got to know me pretty well what with wedding gift returns/exchanges...anyway, not to long ago I run into this girl at Meijer and she's like, "Hi!" and I must have been like a deer in headlights...she said, "Target...customer service?" I'm so memorable...or I'm just an addict.

diane said...

2 of my students just got jobs at gave me a coupon for a free cup of coffee! We should meet up after school sometime. :)

And how in the world could you EVER look horrible in pictures? You Are Gorgeous! Hello?!