Tuesday, February 12, 2008

31 with 31's

i'm not ashamed of my age.
i'm also not ashamed to admit that I like to shop and i enjoy a good sale.
though my kind of sale shopping is not always the typical "girly" kind.

i also enjoy the realization that God really DOES work all things out for good...
or has divinely allowed certain things to happen...so that something we can't see gets taken care of.

how about an example, you say?
my pleasure :)

so I'm sitting at beaners yesterday, feverishly typing a job due in the afternoon.
after awhile, the manager comes in from outside, walking past my vehicle.
she had recently made the comment to me, "You live here."
so needless to say, she knows who I am, and is pretty sure what vehicle I drive.

so she comes in, and out of my peripheral vision I notice her intentionally approaching my "desk" (as I like to call it). "I think you have a flat tire," she says. "That is your jeep, isn't it?"
Crap. I have to leave for my dep by 3:15, just in case 44th Street is crappy or traffic is bad.
but thankfully it is in town.

cut to the night before....

chris is checking the weather online, because he commutes to kalamazoo for work, and the roads have been especially not good the last couple days. and weather.com, or whatever website he checked, actually described the roads he would have to travel as "treacherous." so he called his boss, who happens to be his mom, and he got the day off.

so chris is home all day yesterday.

so I call him up, letting him know I have a flat. he heads right over so we can swap cars, and so he can take care of my tire. the air pump we have in my jeep, which conveniently has a lighter adapter, was a no-go...the battery was dead (thanks to pumping up bike tires in the summer) and the lighter adapter cord was short by a mere matter of inches.

so off to discount tire chris goes.

and he wouldn't have been able to take care of me if he had been at work :)

and we had recently gotten our tax return, and after paying off some debt we had some extra left. and chris was also planning on cashing out his vacation time. and it's crappy weather, and we were planning on buying new tires by summer anyway.

so now the bantam menace has four new wheels.
and not only were they on sale, but we got an additional discount as well.

and they're the tires I've been wanting.
(yes, I have such wish list items)

does this make me weird?


Ike said...

you ask that question as if being weird is a bad thing.

i think jenny and i have proven the opposite.


Miss Laura said...

It makes you our favorite Marie :)

KatieKate said...

Not weird!!!

diane said...

it makes you fabulous.

btw: I loved Pippy Longstocking when I was a kid. You too? When I backpacked through Europe we even stayed at the Pippy Longstocking Campground in Sweden! yes! It's her native land, you know.

i love that you live at coffee shops and libraries. would the librarian have known of your flat tire?