Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"I want you to stay here"

"because I hate you."
can you name that movie?!
so this is how chris greets me at the library today. with a cat fancy magazine. with a stupid looking persian cat on the cover. I love these cats! if they weren't so flippin' expensive, we would totally have one. I mean, look at its face!!! talk about a never-ending source of entertainment... I dare say piscin would even make fun of it...
so I have a lovely day off today. I'm at the grandville library, my newest "office."
chris recently discovered the wonder that are carrels, complete with power strips, and was so excited to tell me all about them. he was very disappointed that my nerdiness already knew such things existed. but in the interest of cutting down on the coffee intake, here I am.
have I ever mentioned how much I love libraries? and books. books that are in the libraries. my mom is an avid reader (two her favorite authors are Isaac Asimov and Max Lucado... figure that one out) and would take my sister and me to the library at least once a week during summer break. as a kid I loved mysteries (nancy drew, hardy boys, boxcar children, trixie belden, the three investigators) and books about animals, and totally chose books by their covers. this is how I ended up reading a very random scifi book about cats that rule the world (breed to come). I love me a good story... with twists and surprise connections. harlan coben is ridiculously good at that. if you haven't read anything by him, I suggest Just One Look.
enough of my talk about books and stories. it's making me want to go find one of those books with the little green dragon sticker on it and go home to my easy chair to read it.
happy wednesday everybody!


Anonymous said...

Do you have Ted Dekker's new books?

They say they are juvenile fiction, which is a little weird for me to get over, but I guess it's okay.

If you don't have 'em, you can borrow them from me if you would like. They are just collecting dust right now. I don't think I'll get to 'em till the spring.

madjeepgirl said...

ooooohhh... I don't think I've heard of them at all... I will gladly borrow them! yay!!! ted dekker... so ridiculously good... did you get a chance to read showdown??

Anonymous said...

I haven't read it you have it? Can we do a book swap??

mr. chris said...

we don't have it anymore unfortunately :(

diane said...

i left a comment 2 days ago and it disappeared. it was about pippi longstocking and living in europe and of libraries, coffee shops and things.

madjeepgirl said...

weird! because I did see it!! and no, the librarian would never have seen my flat tire, or known it was mine ;) I do remember pippi longstocking...but I can't remember if I liked her or not...