free coffee
the grand rapids press was on hand at my usual haunt (the real 44th street beaners, as we call it) to photograph the ridiculosity that was last night and get some bystander comments regarding the free coffee at biggby from 5:30pm to 8:30pm while starbucks was closed for training.

I had plans to meet lindsey at the biggby by studio 28 after she got done with her conferences. as I approached, I could see the line of vehicles trying to get to the drive-through (and making no headway), so I parked next door at the burger king and hoofed it. through the window I could see people I knew sitting at tables!!! random run-ins are fun :)
I couldn't get any farther than the outside of the little foyer entrance thingie. it was 8pm. lindsey showed up about 10 after, but I couldn't see her. biggby ended up having to lock the doors at 8:30, but we got all our drink orders in.
then began the real wait. lindsey and I got our coffees around 9:20pm. that's right. the things we dutch west michiganders will do for something free.
the drive-through was also closed at 8:30, they even put a sign out there, but one lady who came through around 9:30 could do nothing but complain about the waiting and getting nothing. the manager even went out there to apologize to her, but then she got mad at him for apologizing.
so we were pretty well entertained.
and in the spirit of lines and waiting, today I went to the good ole secretary of state to conduct some business. since our family does all sorts of weird stuff with vehicles, being in each other's names, but someone else is driving it and has insurance, I met my sister at the SOS closest to her house just in case I needed her. it didn't open until 11am today, so I got there a few minutes before. would you believe this is what I drove up to?

seriously. it's a wednesday, people. anyway, the wait inside was pretty typical and we were on our way by 11:40. I would have gotten done earlier except I put my bag in my sister's car and kept remembering stuff that I needed, but that I left in my bag. ridiculous. but, I got a title transferred and a new license plate ordered. the bantam menace will have a more fitting rear nametag soon. have no fear, it will be photographically documented and shared with you all. I am definitely that much of a nerd.
ah, well. hope you guys are enjoying your day!
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