happy winter!
this is piscin's new favorite place to sit. look at her. she thinks she owns the place!
and while this isn't a picture from this afternoon, she's meowing, which is the lead in for my next story. so this afternoon I'm recording some vocal parts. I've got the headphones on, I'm singing nice and loud (as if I were in a gang, one might say...) and all of a sudden I feel (and hear) piscin behind me. SHE IS PISSED. she's rubbing her head on me, biting my elbow, and basically yelling at me to SHUT UP. this occurred once before in our not too distant past, when I tried to learn how to play the penny whistle. she was NONE too happy about that, and attacked my neck from behind, trying to bat the thing out of my mouth... from behind... (i guess she's not that smart) or just trying to claw me to pieces to get me to stop. needless to say, as I listened to the recording today, you can TOTALLY HEAR HER MEOWING. it's ridiculously funny :)
mr. chris makes some friends!!! this is at dwight and jenny's house a couple weekends ago. emmet found a new place to lounge, chris' shoulders, and daisy might be a little jealous.
also while at dwight and jenny's, I learned about emmet's other favorite place to perch.... the cabinet ABOVE the kitchen counter. seriously. if you don't own a pet, you're missing out.
the other fun thing about owning pets... dressing them up! here's daisy in a jacket that makes her look like a boxer pre-fight, while brandy watches. there's a couple more pictures that blogger won't let me upload tonight, so I'll add them later.
but seriously. pets are a hoot.
that second picture of piscin is awesome!
it's like her arch enemy stepped into the room, slightly to the right, just before you clicked the picture
Perhaps she was just telling you she wants to be a rock star. NOW.
Yup, pets are pretty fun to have around.
Maya and Zomer think that they are human and stick their 85 lb. rear ends right on our laps. So cute.
And Kate's Abe...he's really somethin' else. He brings dinner from the woods home for Curt and Kate. Deer heads are so yummy I'm sure!
I have a pet tortoise (it was either that or a fish considering my allergies). I have to tell you, I love my tortoise. He's dumber than a rock and cracks me up!
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