taking some moves from dad's playbook, I scored a 57-point word. and though he looks a little nervous in this picture, he was not to be deterred, and simply does what he does: scored BIG on little words. but luck graced us! two games, and the winner was...
though i doubt the crown will be mine for long... lisa and brian will be battling dad on the scrabble board tomorrow, so I fear for them... he will be spelling with a vengeance, I'm sure!!!
"the word" was requested, and here it is. J(A)DE, with a double letter score on the J (16) and a triple word score. 19 x 3 = 57. and all with a blank tile. yeah, baby.
What was your WORD???????
57 points.
I bow to you.
And the chocolate bunny in Veggie Tales.
JADE (but A was a blank tile)... but i'll post a picture of it because i can't remember the double and triple detail.
um i think kate needs to be told what happens when you spell "homemade" that starts and ends on a triple word score.
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