Friday, August 08, 2008

I don't speech good

maybe I notice this because I end up hearing individuals talk for extended periods of time, but many of the people I encounter have pet words and phrases. i'm not sure if they realize it, but it's really easy to pick them out. because they repeat them. A LOT.

and then I started noticing that the phrases don't really add anything substantive to the questions or comments they're stating. they have become superfluous.

it makes sense that when something is our favorite, we use it a lot. it's just strange with words, because it seems boring and lazy and sometimes annoying. I mean, couldn't you say something else that means the same thing....after having used it six times already? it already drives me crazy if I have to use the same word twice in an e-mail, let alone hear the same word/phrase over and over in a formal meeting that's literally on the record.

here are the ones I've noted being grossly overused recently:

Person #1:

"Insofar as..."

"With all things being equal..."

Person #2:

"...alludes to..."

Person #3:

"hey" (used in exactly the same way, and in exactly the same places in speech, that a valley girl would use the word "like" -- I know, it's bizarre even trying to imagine it!)

do you have any pet words/phrases that you find yourself using all the time?!


mr. chris said...

charlie murphy.

i'll have to ask you if i have other ones....i'm sure i do, and i'm sure they're annoying!!!

madjeepgirl said...

the only one i could think of baby was "this and that."