a question that requires an answer
so I'm just curious. I blog kind of helter skelter (or harem scarem) -- seriously, who came up with these phrases?! -- and why do I use them?! -- with little intention or purpose, very unlike some of my fellow bloggers.
so I'm wondering... why do you read my blog?
I know you're out there. so what is it that you come here for?
there's no right or wrong answer, friends, I'm just curious.
I thought maybe one day you'd give away a million dollars or something. Eh?
Nah, I just never get to see you and this is closest I come to getting to 'chat' with you on a regular basis!
Because you're Marie and I love you and I have recently wishing that I would have had you do the toast at my wedding reception. And also you came over at 11:30 pm on a school night to rescue me from my wedding dress - you get bonus points for life.
not just because you're my wife. i read your blog because you are aware.
aware of the irony, the beauty, the struggle and importance of the moment.
in your "lighter" posts, you share with us these funny things that are just out there in the world that most of us wouldn't get the chance to see. your travels and your camera help us all see the world just a few more miles further down the road then we would be able to on our own.
in your more serious posts you attack your struggles on center stage for all to see. you don't hide them and wrestle with them alone in seclusion. i love that you can be aware of the truth and the right thing to do, even if you have yet to make your decision. you are open and honest and aren't afraid to say,"i know this is the right thing to do, but it's hard when you...."
you acknowledge that sometimes things are easier said than done and that helps us to open up and share our struggles. i think i might find more importance in your blog than you find in writing in.
so why do YOU come here?
why do you open up and create here?
(ah ha, do you see what i did there? i turned your question around and have pointed it at you!)
whatever your reasons, i'm glad that you do.
i love you. (YOU DON"T HAVE TO YELL !!!)
I like turtles
Crock says this is where he comes to learn how humans and cats live. Also, he keeps hoping that you will have an antelope that you don't want, and he can call "dibs". Your dad likes to hear what you've written, because he is impressed by your logic, your humor and your interesting comments on the happenings of your life. I come because not only are your blogs interesting, but they also contain that sense of humor that I so enjoy . And, because I love you.
Goodness. How do I follow after Chris, and especially Mom?
Rie, I read your blog because I too love your wit, humor, and zest regarding daily life...you have this way of finding profound (funny or otherwise) things that most of us would miss.
And I just like you...this is an extension of you that I get to see everyday.
ok, so now i'll aplogize for my prior comment. I got a little nervous having to follow your wordsmith husband.
i think the reason i read your blog is because its a window into what's going on with Rie. we get too caught up in our busy lives sometimes and lose track of our friends. these blogs are a great way to keep track of how things are going, what you are thinking, feeling, experiencing, even when we don't get to hang out and chat as much as we would like.
so keep up the good work.
the last two days have been crazy long, and I get to come home and read these great comments?! ahhhhhhhh... :)
a valid question, human husband.
the answer is on my blog everyday: "how can I know what I think 'til I see what I say?" my favorite quote.
writing is the best way I have of organizing my inner mess. it's like I have this wound up knot inside (of thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.), and writing gets pieces of it unknotted and straightened out, so I can recognize what the heck it is. and then maybe figure out what to do with it.
and I can be way funny once in awhile if I have time to figure out just the right way to say things! (plus I like making myself laugh)
Why I read depends on the day, truthfully. But always and always I read because I like how you see the world. I love that you see funny things and take pictures and then the story makes me laugh. I love that you make me think. I love how connected you are to your family and the stories you share.
And I like getting to know you, whether it is here or there, ya know?
i agree with ike.
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