Wednesday, July 02, 2008

typing days

in the encyclopedia of rie, a typing day is a day of pseudo freedom.  it means i don't have to wear a suit, i don't have to go anywhere in the suit, and i don't have to sit around in a little room with other people who are also wearing suits. while it is not officially a day off, it is often a day without pressure... i don't feel the vice of deadlines stressing me out, i can sit in a comfortable chair doing work, i can do some laundry at the same time, run errands... whatever. it's the perfect kind of workday.
one of my errands yesterday involved a trip to the apple store.  not the real, juicy kinds.  the shiny, fancy kinds that you type on.  on my way there, i get a phone call.  "i've been stalking you since byron center but i can't catch up with you" i hear as tasha roars up behind me!  and for the record, a four-door wrangler with the top down looks BAD-A$$.  

and then we both went to the apple store :)

if you've heard of the barn theatre in augusta, but are wondering what's up with that...

there are mosquitos.  you park on a lawn.  you get adult drinks at the rehearsal shed beforehand.  you can pay to have a drink waiting on your table for the after-show cabaret spectacle.  you can witness a professional-grade performance.  you can sit in the back and discern facial expression.  everyone working there is a performer, and they're already in costume.  

my niece keegan, though i don't see her much, apparently thinks i'm funny because she laughed at me a lot on friday.  we caught her playing with spiderman at grandma's house (her uncle chris is very proud).

after aunt deedee's memorial service chris and i, and his sister katie, made a run to frosty boy for ice cream.  someone overheard our clamor in the hall, and soon more family showed up.  here's uncle tim and chris' mom, sue, saluting the employee of the month.

i married into the best, most random kind of family!!

thank you all for your prayers and support for me this sunday.  i felt good about the experience, and thought that it went really great.  a few people said something to me afterwards, and the response was very positive.  i haven't heard anything from the bald brigade, who i didn't see at the service he said he'd be at, so there's no telling yet whether we might get to do this again, or if the people with opinions that matter were in approval.

this is chris saturday night ironing my pants.
because otherwise, i would have looked wrinkly.
and i'd hate to embarrass him like that.

monday evening was diane-time, and it looked like an m. night movie (because i was concerned for diane's well-being . . . you'll understand when you see the movie), a stop at home depot (where someone cruelly tricked her by leaving an empty box of cigarettes underneath a van's rear windshield wiper), a failed attempt to visit the julie (though we did succeed in finding her house and looking in the windows), and a couple hours at founders (where, upon arriving, i was informed she had a bird in her hair).

now that i am all caught up on my typing work, i am feeling great and getting sleep.  and i've got a lot of scheming to do, with treasure hunts coming up in my very near future ;)  mwah-ha-ha!

1 comment:

diane said...

I love the post. For real.
Tasha...definitely a bad a$$ with that rig!
And Chris...adorable...ironing your pants!
Jealous of the Les Mis experience, for real.

and seriously, you make me sound funnier than I actually am. I love it and appreciate it and will probably hire you at some point to introduce me to a large crowd. :)